The Park Falls Area has an older than average age than most of the state of Wisconsin. There is nearly an even split on male/female ratio in the area. The main business are industrial and production.
Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Eau Claire, WI (92.6 miles, pop. 61,704).
Nearest city with pop. 200,000+: St. Paul, MN (146.0 miles, pop. 287,151).
Nearest city with pop. 1,000,000+: Chicago, IL (315.0 miles, pop. 2,896,016).
Nickname or alias (official or unofficial): Ruffed Grouse Capital of the World
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Population in 2022: 2,393 (0% urban, 100% rural). Population change since 2000: -14.3%

Estimated median household income in 2022: $42,751 (it was $33,860 in 2000)
Park Falls: $42,751
WI: $70,996
Estimated per capita income in 2022: $28,378 (it was $17,929 in 2000)
Park Falls city income, earnings, and wages data
Estimated median house or condo value in 2022: $86,524 (it was $60,800 in 2000)
Park Falls: $86,524
WI: $252,800
Mean prices in 2022: All housing units: $103,736; Detached houses: $105,365; Mobile homes: $19,179
Median gross rent in 2022: $713 (it was $497 in 2016).
March 2022 cost of living index in Park Falls: 85.3 (less than average, U.S. average is 100)
Recent home sales, real estate maps, and home value estimator for zip code 54552
Park Falls, WI residents, houses, and apartments details
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